Symposium „Scientific Intelligence - Illusion or Reality”, 26-28.10.2018

From 26th to 28th November 2018 the symposium of the Center for Advanced Studies "Scientific Intelligence - Illusion or Reality" took place in the Ossoliński Palace in Sterdyń.

The symposium was devoted to the development of artificial intelligence, the latest achievements in this field, the ability of machine learning, the use of robots and Big Data in medicine and modern engineering. Panel discussions dealt with issues related to concerns and threats, as well as ethical dilemmas related to the current dynamic development of robotics and artificial intelligence, directions and prospects for the future development of this field.

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The man has created a machine and an algorithm. And then he put them together. The learned machine patiently and incessantly did its job. Thousands of sophisticated machines with complex algorithms work for the man today. They solve more and more advanced problems. They correctly react to increasingly complicated situations. They are precise and compute million times faster than the man. The machine wins in chess competitions with the best chess players in the world ever. Applies surprising strategies. Non-intuitive. Non-human. But still obeys the rules. Will it break them one day? May artificial intelligence go beyond the scope of the given task? Or is it only an illusionary dream that human intelligence and abilities could be ever realized artificially... Should we stay alert because dreams sometimes come true?

Machine learning and intelligence demand is a great challenge for all useful creatures of science and technology. In the large part of the enterprise it is illusionary dream to realize artificially the human intelligence abilities. However every day we are close to the moment that dreams come true. The Symposium brings together different points of view on the subject and its realization.