Visiting Professor - Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski

CAS invites to the lectures of Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski - eminent chemist affiliated with the Northwestern University (USA), 9-12 September 2014

1. From ā€œnanoionsā€ to mixed-charged nanoparticles and gram-selective antibiotics / 9.9.2014

abstrakt_1 (pdf, 314.75 kB)

2. Reaction-diffusion microsystems for engineering new materials and devices (in gels and mofs) / 10.09.2014

abstrakt_2 (pdf, 214.49 kB)

3. The micromechanics and physics of cancerous cells: what are the physical hallmarks of cancer metastasis? / 11.09.2014

abstrakt_3 (pdf, 199.52 kB)

4. Self-assembly, trapping and manipulation of nonmagnetic microobjects with magnetic fields / 12.09.2014

abstrakt_4 (pdf, 202.62 kB)

12:15 - 14:00, lecture hall Audytorium Czochralskiego, Chemical Technology Building, WUT
(Koszykowa St. 75, Warsaw)

Lectures co-financed by the European Union in scope of the European Social Fund.