Visiting Professor Rolf Jeltsch in CAS, 4.06.2019

On June 4, 2019, the Center for Advanced Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology hosted a visiting professor Rolf Jeltsch.

Rolf Jeltsch is a retired professor in the Department of Mathematics at the ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) in Switzerland.

The professor gave a lecture: Recent developments on numerical solutions for hyperbolic systems ofconservation laws.

In 1757 Euler developed the famous Euler equations describing the flow of a compressible gas.
This is a system of hyperbolic conservation laws in three space dimensions. However until recently one could not show convergence of numerical schemes to the ’classical’ weak entropy solutions. By adapting the concept of measure-valued and statistical solutions to multidimensional systems Siddhartha Mishra and his coauthors could recently show convergence of numerical schemes. Mishra has presented these results at the ICM 2018 in Rio de Janeiro. After a brief introduction to the field these developments will be described.

More information about the professor can be found on the website: Visiting professors.