WUT Colloquium Lecture - Professor Marek Abramowicz

Professor Marek Abramowicz will give a lecture: Black holes and the centrifugal force paradox, 5 November 2015

As Professor of Astrophysics, Marek Abramowicz is conducting research on a wide range of subjects: black holes, quasars, neutron stars, gamma ray bursts, gravitational radiation, quantum gravity, accretion discs. His research deals with the extreme conditions of curvature, compactness, density, temperature and strength of gravity typical for high energy astronomical objects. These conditions often reflect fundamental laws of Nature and cannot be even approached in laboratories on Earth. 

Advanced courses of Professor cover black hole physics, cosmology, and high-energy phenomena in stars and accretion disks.

The lecture will be held on 5 November 2015 at 4:15 pm, lecture hall no. 134 (WUT Main Building).

For more information please visit Konwersatorium

Posted: 30 October 2015