Visitig Professors - archive

Professor Ralf Lucklum, is an outstanding specialist in resonant microsensors and microsystems used in chemical industry and microbiology.

Professor Gerald A. Urban is an academic at the Department of Microsystems Engineering at the University of Freiburg and a director of the Freiburg Materials Research Center. He is a renowned specialist in chemo- and biosensor microsystems for clinical applications.

Professor Tadamoto Sakai was born in 1941 in Tokyo.  He received his Dipl. Eng. Degree in Applied Chemistry from the Shizuoka National University in 1964, and D.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering  from Hokkaido National University in 1983.

Professor Vladimir G. Chigrinov is a renowned specialist in liquid crystal optics and photonics. 

Professor Kenneth Joel Shapiro – graduate of the Harvard University and Duke University, a renowned specialist in psychology, including psychology of animals, founder and  Executive Director of Animals and Society Institute which aims at examining human-animals relations, the correlation of violence towards animals and people, promoting actions to protect animals. 

Professor Jonathan D.H. Smith is a distinguished specialist in algebra and combinatorics, including the general theory of commutators, the representation theory of quasigroups, the theory of idempotent and entropic algebras (modes), the theory of complex systems, and applications of algebra and combinatorics in physics, computer science and biomathematics.