Visitig Professors - archive

Professor Ehrenfried Zschech is Division Director at Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing in Dresden, which he joined in 2009.

Professor Shuichi Izumiya – eminent specialist in geometry and singularity theory, since 1971 employed at the Faculty of Mathematics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

Professor Wojciech Knap - eminent physicist, affiliated with the University of Montpellier 2 and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), where he holds a position of the 1st class director. 

Professor Michael Giersig - professor at the Department of Physics, Freie University Berlin, specialist in nanotechnology.

Professor Vyacheslav Sedykh - prominent mathematician, student of prof.  V.I. Arnold, specialist in     geometric analysis, since 1996 affiliated with the Department of Higher Mathematics, Russian State Gubkin University of Oil and Gas.

Professor Takuo Fukuda - eminent mathematician, specialist in singularity theory and topology; from 1999 affiliated with the Department of Mathematics,  Nihon University in Japan.