CAS Distinction "Pythagorean Universe"

The Council of the Centre for Advanced Studies WUT established on 26 May 2014 the Distinction of the Centre for Advanced Studies „Pythagorean Universe“ Laus tibi, non tuleris qui vincula mente animoque - Glory to you for not allowing to put ties on your mind and spirit.

The distinction is awarded at the request of the President of the Council for his special merits to the scientific community and for accomplishments in building effective research space and breaking the boundaries of cognition. For the award nomination the individual characteristics of the candidate shall be taken under consideration i.e. personality, independence, modesty, devotion, creativity, humility, education, energy. The statuette of the distinction is a crystal dodecahedron symbolizing crystal personality of Master, because only the Master knows how to fill the void and is not a prisoner of matter, but the Master hears harmony, knows where he comes from, where he is and where he is going.