Didactic innovations - the competition

Opening of the competition for teaching grants at the Warsaw University of Technology.

The competition is held within the project "Excellence initiative - research university" and is conducted by the Center for Advanced Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology.

 The competition is held within the project "Excellence initiative - research university" and is conducted by the Center for Advanced Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology. The idea of teaching grants at the Warsaw University of Technology is aimed at balancing the University's development priorities. It transfers the competition application mechanism, which is standard in the area of science, to the area of educational practices. The grant awarding process will contribute to the establishment of continuously functioning mechanisms for staff improvement and promotion of innovative practices. These mechanisms should identify the most interesting concepts, promote initiatives developed at the Faculties and facilitate knowledge sharing on a university scale.

The competition is addressed to employees of Warsaw University of Technology who are academic teachers, for whom it is the primary place of employment. In the competition, an applicant, in the sense of a project manager, may submit one application for financing a teaching grant.

The budget of the competition is 1 000 000 PLN, and the maximum funding for one teaching grant cannot exceed 100 000 PLN. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 June 2021.

Applications are collected using the form available on the website:


Detailed rules of the competition are set out in the Regulations annexed to the Rector's Decision No. 102/2021 of 17 May 2021.

Information about the competition - teaching grants